Is it Normal for Raw Buttermilk to Separate Sometimes?


    Is it normal for raw buttermilk to separate? This does not happen to me all the time but occasionally after I make cultured butter and buttermilk the buttermilk will separate. By this I mean that there will be a clear liquid on the bottom and then a thicker opaque liquid on top. This does not happen all the time that is why I’m wondering if it is safe to use. The last time it happened I didn’t want to risk using it. But as it has happened again I thought I would ask. The cream that I used was really thick (sour cream) not sure if this would make a difference not. The cream did not taste bad nor smell bad either.

    Thanks for your help.


    Category: Tags: asked June 18, 2012

    1 Answer


    Totally normal for buttermilk to separate, whether made from a culture or leftover from making cultured butter. Just shake before use. Factors like temperature and culture and how long it was cultured can play a factor determining why your buttermilk has separated. If it has been recently that the separation has been occurring, my guess is it’s due to warmer weather and therefore quicker fermenting. It is totally safe and delicious to use though.

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