Is Sunflower oil a healthy choice?


    When I make my lacto-fermented mayonnaise, I use 1/2 extra-virgin olive oil and 1/2 sunflower oil because the flavor of the olive oil can be so overwhelming to what it is served with.  I am wondering what you think about the sunflower oil?  I do purchase organic, expeller pressed oil.

    Category: asked July 19, 2012

    3 Answers


    Sunflower oil is hard to find that is cold-pressed. Most of them use solvents for extraction. Even if you do find it, there is a lot of Omega 6 in it and it could throw off your Omega 3-6 ratios if you consume it regularly. It’s a good idea to try to consume low PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) foods as much as you can. It’s nearly impossible to avoid PUFAs altogether, but the less we eat, the better.

    I don’t use it because I really feel that it’s just better to use butter, coconut oil, lard, tallow, ghee and occasional olive oil or sesame oil as my fats. You can pretty much make anything using one of them.

    If you find the olive oil too overwhelming for some dishes, consider making some mayo with rendered leaf lard (the kind used to make pastries, which is pure white and odorless) or refined coconut oil. Refined (sometimes called ‘deoderized Expeller pressed’ coconut oil does not smell and taste like coconut oil and many brands do not use chemical solvents to refine it.

    That said, it’s all a balance, moderation and tolerance game in the end.


    Thank you, Jami.  I wonder if there is an extra-virgin olive oil available that would be reliably relatively mild in flavor.  Do you know?


    I answered my own question!

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