Ethnic categories


    Hi Jamie,

    Do you think it is possible to add ethnic choices to the categories for the recipes? I would really love that, as we have themed days in our meals and it would make searching for a recipes so much easier. We use this with our homeschooling journey. When we have a certain country for Geography then we eat food from that country and we also use it for history. I actually end up searching for historical recipes online and have quite a few books on them in the meantime. The Romans had a lot of recipes and. It’s just total fun and the kids learn so much more that way. The Egyptians did not write much down with regards to their meals.

    I am not asking for the historical recipe categories mind you, just ethnic :-)

    Thank you so much for all you do.


    Diana, from The Netherlands.

    Category: Tags: asked November 24, 2012

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