Doesn’t Popcorn Have Anti-Nutrients?


    I have read how wonderfully nutritious popcorn is for us.  I have question, though.  Popcorn is a seed… and we don’t soak or sprout it before use.  Are there not the anti-nutrients in popcorn that are in other nuts and seeds?  I realize we can’t sprout it or soak it and then make it into popped corn.  I am just curious about this.

    Category: asked February 4, 2012

    2 Answers


    Yes. There are, in fact, anti-nutrients in popcorn, same as regular corn. The thing is that if you are generally healthy, and soak, ferment, sprout your grains and legumes pretty much all of the time, the phytic acid in the popcorn isn’t really going to do any harm (unless you’re one of those people that really can’t tolerate phytic acid well at all). Phytic-acid has a chelating effect and binds to important minerals like calcium and iron. If you never process your grains and legumes properly, your body is robbed of a considerable amount of these important minerals, which can cause all sorts of issues. This is the very reason we soak, sprout, ferment. In general, it should be a treat and not an everyday thing. A small amount of chelating can be beneficial.


    Thank you, Jami!  Sigh…. I guess I’d better cut back on the vast amounts of popcorn I’m inclined to eat on a regular basis.  I’m glad I asked this question.  Well, “glad” might be a bit of an exaggeration.  ;)

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