Does commercial almond flour need to be soaked?


    How is commercial almond flour made? Is it soaked somewhere along the process to decrease the phytic acid/anti-nutrients/enzyme inhibitors? Or would it be best to make sure I soak it as part of whatever recipe I am using?

    Category: asked May 2, 2012

    3 Answers


    Commercial almond flour is not soaked. For this reason, many people either make their own by putting crispy nuts in a food processor or choose to use blanched almond flour in recipes since most of the anti-nutrients are found in the skins.

    While you could soak and dehydrate commercial flour, I’m not sure it would be the most effective or easiest method. It’s much easier to work with and dry out whole almonds and then process them into a flour yourself, since you’re probably soaking them for snacks anyway.

    Sherri on the Facebook page says this: By soaking, you’re getting the nut (seed) to start to germinate, which is suppose to clear the Phytic acid, Problem is: Nearly 100% of Almonds come out of California, and are all Pasteurized.( Funny that they can Pasteurize the Almonds, and still call them Raw !?! Therefore making the nut (seed) unable to germinate.>>>and trying to find out if blanching solves the problem is unclear too. (at least that’s how my research went)


    Follow-up question: What about the oil in the almonds? Does this go rancid in the blanched-almond flour making process?

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