What are some ideas for traditional foods for camping and hiking?


My husband and I like to take short camping trips.  We cook over an open fire.  We also like to do a little backpacking and then we cook over a tiny stove.  I would very much like to have some ideas for healthy, but convenient foods for these times.  We do like to COOK outdoors, not just take along things that have been prepared at home.

Category: asked February 21, 2012

2 Answers


If you buy a lodge camping dutch oven, you can bake breads over a camp fire.


Katie at Kitchen Stewardship has an excellent ebook with loads of recipes on this very subject, camping with real foods. Check it out! The Family Camping Handbook

Michael Dawn Thies via Facebook says:
We take anything that we would normally eat, if it needs to be refrigerated, we use a cooler and ice. But dried fruits, legumes etc are great to bring, and easy to pack in a back pack for hiking. You can soak your beans (or fruits/veggies, etc) while you are on the trail. You can also sprout seeds and beans by soaking them and then letting them strain from a clean nylon sock until they sprout.

Since glass is heavy, it’s probably best to pack your dried goods and ingredients in ziptop baggies.

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